

 This is a personal story of the author, which took place in March 2009.  It is described by the author as one of the most severe media scandals conceived by media and the Albanian politics in the last 20 years towards an individual and a public figure. This book presents facts on how the incident was organized and developed, (another attack after that of the year 2003), against the social, political and academic life as well as the reputation of the author. This book presents also the communication between the author and the citizens, who indignant of the organized scandal expressed their civic support to the author.

Moreover, the book presents a short description of the political, academic and social activities of the author, highlighting once more, like in many other cases in the history of this country, the negative tendency of few segments of the Albanian society to punish values, the hard work and the uprising activity of public figures.

At the end of the book, attached can be found the YouTube addresses, whereby through the original videocassettes published by friends of the author, is clearly presented the conceiving process of the ugly intrigue towards the author.